Help Center

Customizing the Web Widget

Using the Web Widget

With the Web Widget, you can add customer support features from Zendesk Guide, Support, Talk, and Chat to your website or Help Center, so that your customers can get immediate help from a single interface, in whatever form they like best...

By Stan Jobs

Configuring Web Widget components

Before you add the Web Widget to your website or Help Center, you need to decide which components you want to include in the Web Widget and then turn them on. For some components, you might need to go a step further and configure additio...

By Jess Bezos

Adding the Web Widget to a website

The Web Widget can be added to any page of your website or to your Help Center. The Web Widget is fully optimized for the mobile experience and does not affect page load times. The widget is presented in the end user’s language, accordin...

By Will Gates

Customizing the appearance of the Web Widget

You can modify the appearance of some or all of the following widget elements to match the look and feel of your company’s website. If you’re using a Legacy Chat version, see (Legacy Chat) Customizing the appearance of your widget. The f...

By Stan Jobs

Removing the Web Widget from your website

You can remove individual instances of your widget by deleting the code from the web page or Help Center. You can turn off all instances of the widget by disabling it in Zendesk Support. To remove the widget from a web page Delete the c...

By Jess Bezos