Help Center

Developer resources

Technical guides for developers

Allowing Zendesk to send email on behalf of your email domain

You can set up your custom email domain to verify that Zendesk can send email on behalf of your email server. For example, if you receive email from your customers at, and you’ve set up an automatic redirect to forward...

By Will Gates

Enabling search across multiple Help Centers

If you have multiple Help Centers, you can enable users to search across multiple Help Centers. You can decide which Help Centers to include in the search results. You can also decide if you want to include community content from those H...

By Will Gates

Setting up the GitHub integration

The GitHub integration enables you to develop and maintain a theme collaboratively in GitHub, then preview or publish it in Guide. To set up the integration, make sure your theme is stored in GitHub, then set up the integration in Guide....

By Jess Bezos

Setting up hosted SSL

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is an encryption protocol that ensures secure communications with your website. You must configure an SNI-based SSL certificate for a host-mapped domain using one of the two methods below: Use the free SNI-base...

By Jess Bezos

Enabling Google Analytics for your Help Center

You can use Google Analytics to track Help Center traffic. Enabling it involves getting the tracking ID from Google Analytics and then adding it to the Help Center. If you previously obtained the JavaScript snippet from Google Analytics ...

By Tom Cook

Introduction to the Zendesk API

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a tool for software applications that acts as an intermediary and allows them to talk to one another. Each time you use an app like Zendesk, send an instant message, or check the weather o...

By Will Gates